Ethnicized Violence in Indonesia: Where Criminals and Fanatics Meet

Ethnicized Violence in Indonesia: Where Criminals and Fanatics Meet

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Cultural gang physical physical physical violence is generally depicted being a clash between crooks pursuing instrumental benefit or as you between ideological fanatics pursuing collective nationalist, ethnolinguistic, or ethnoreligious legal rights. Nonetheless, there was a obvious stress between the conceptualization of these physical physical violence since the logical self-interest of deprived people, so that as the irrational fanaticism of anomic communities. The study of a definite gang that is ethnic the Betawi Brotherhood Forum which runs in Jakarta, Indonesia, shows how both proportions of physical physical violence coexist and interweave. The obvious analytical stress between individualistic pragmatism and collectivist ethical absolutism is solved by showing the way the gang reacts to their disillusionment aided by the state by constructing on their own a “state proxy” role. This reaction is portrayed as in relation to “ressentiment” — the “faulty rationality” which marginalized individuals adopt to be able to convert their clashes of product self-interests to the ethical conflict between stereotyped communities — the virtuous cultural Us up against the demonized ethnic Other. Continua a leggere Ethnicized Violence in Indonesia: Where Criminals and Fanatics Meet