Loss in libido (sexual drive) is just a common issue affecting up

Loss in libido (sexual drive) is just a common issue affecting up

About lack of lib

To one in five men – and even more women – at some true part of their life.

It has been connected to professional and stress that is personal or crucial life-changing events such as for instance maternity, childbirth or nursing.

Nevertheless, an urgent lack of libido – especially whenever it can last for a very long time or keeps returning – may also suggest an underlying personal, medical or lifestyle issue, which are often upsetting to both partners in a relationship.

If you are worried about your libido, particularly when your sex that is diminished drive you or affects your relationship, make a scheduled appointment to visit your GP to discuss any underlying factors and feasible medical or mental remedies. Continua a leggere Loss in libido (sexual drive) is just a common issue affecting up