Requirements You’ve got 4 needs: power, hunger, grooming and enjoyable.

Requirements You’ve got 4 needs: power, hunger, grooming and enjoyable.

Dates Cinema: 30$ initial cost, afternoon and evening • occasions: there is a 5% possibility that a worker will say to you that there is you can forget destination, you may either try to persuade him or bribe him winning points aided by the woman then +5ds, random chat initiated by the girl • Watch movie: if the girl has cinema in her favourites you’ll gain double lp, if the girl has movie in her favourites you’ll gain 1.5 times the lp During the movie you can choose to play with the girl a bit, if your charm + the girl’s lp >63 then you can do all actions, if the girl has trait slutty then +5ds per action Personal opinion: good cheap date for Samantha and Lexi if you’re let in, you can also sneak in gaining 2lp if the girls has the trait: rebel • Buy popcorn: 10$, once per day, if the girl has trait gourmand.

Fancy supper: night, calls for fancy clothing • Order on her: then +1lp,1lp if not you’ll lose -5lp • Eat: +1lp, if your charm and the girls lp is high enough: +1lp, random chat initiated by the girl • Pay for both: 100$, if the girl has trait: submissive, dominant, princess or poor you’ll gain +1lp, otherwise nothing • Put your hand on hers: if your charm and the girls lp is high enough (at least 50 together): +1lp, if not -5lp Personal opinion: personal favourite for Sasha, also good for Audrey.Home: afternoon and evening • Chat on couch: random chat initiated by the girl • Watch tv: +1lp • Swim in the pool: (only in spring or summer, requires swimsuit) +1lp • Make some snacks: +1lp, random chat initiated by the girl • Play on the console (requires z-box) if girl has trait geek then lp+1, if girl has trait playfull then lp+1, if not lp-1 • Play guitar: (requires skill: guitar) lp+1 if girl has trait rebel then lp+2 if the girl has trait submissive

• Enjoy boardgames: then lp+1, if girl has trait playful then lp+1, if not lp-1 Personal opinion: good cheap one for Bree and Samantha if girl has trait geek

Mall: afternoon • Shopping: 50$:+1lp, 100$:+2lp, 200$:+3lp, 400$:+4lp, 800$:+5lp, 1600$:+6lp • Arcade: 25$, then lp+1, if girl has trait playful then lp+1, if not lp-1 • Piercing shop: (girl has minimum sub of 30), here you can get the girl pierced which will actually appear on their in game images and (eventually) in their scenes, different piercings cost different amounts of money and levels of sub (up to 800$ and 90 sub) • Coffee: 20$, random chat initiated by the girl • Take a pic: 5$, +1 lp • Have a pastry: 20$, if girl has trait gourmand +1lp, random chat initiated by the girl Personal opinion: how there Mr. Pennybags, this is by far the most expensive date but very worth it if you can afford it, especially since the shopping activity is repeatable, this is also the only place in game so far were you can get piercings on the girls if girl has trait geek

Park: afternoon • Picnic: (just summer time and springtime) if girl has trait gourmand then lp+1 and +5ds, if maybe not +5ds • Snowman: (just cold temperatures, at the very least 10 charm) if girl has faculties artsy or playful then lp+1 if not lp2 • Snowball battle: (just cold weather, at the least 10 physical fitness) if woman has trait playful then lp+1 if maybe not lp-2 • Clouds: (at the very least 10 charm) if girl has trait dreamer then lp+1 or even lp-2 • Poetry: (at the least 10 knowledge) if woman has traits artsy or bookworm then lp+1, if you don’t lp-2

• Running: (at the very least 10 physical physical fitness) then lp+1 if not lp-2 Personal opinion: this one is kind of meh now, too many activities that require the exact trait, at least it’s free, take Bree and Hanna to this one in winter if you want if girl has trait sporty

Pub: 30$ initial expense, afternoon and night • Buy a round of drinks: 50$, if woman has trait rebel then lp+1, ds+5 • Enjoy pool: if woman has trait playful then lp+1 • Enjoy darts: if woman has trait playful then lp+1 • Consume a burger:25$ individual viewpoint: you are able to nevertheless purchase the girls products also like generally into the pub causeing the a excellent date.Waterpark: 100$ initial price, afternoon, calls for swimsuit, summer time and spring just • Waterslide: lp+1 if woman has trait playful then lp+2, random chat initiated by your ex • Buy icecream:10$, lp+1 if woman has trait gourmand then lp+2, random talk initiated by the girl • salon: 50$, lp+1 if woman has trait princess then lp+2, random chat initiated by the woman • Swimming race: lp+1 if woman has trait sportsy then lp+2, random talk initiated by the lady individual opinion: happens to be enhanced a whole lot, a little costly for just what it really is though